Campus Improvement Plan 2021-2022
Hunter's Creek Elementary School 2021-2022
- Mission Statement, Vision, Core Values
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment
- Goal 1: Student Achievement
- Goal 2: Student Support
- Goal 3: Safe Schools
- Goal 4: Fiscal Responsibility
Mission Statement, Vision, Core Values
Spring Branch Independent School District
Hunters Creek Elementary School
2021-2022 Campus Improvement Plan
Mission Statement
At HCE we positively impact each child's life every day to graduate students with Tough Minds and Tender Hearts!
Together with faculty and families our students are building:
High expectations for themselves as self-advocates
An ability to problem solve with perseverance to develop strengths and overcome obstacles
An empathetic and respectful character
The capability to collaborate and think critically to create their own unique futures
Core Values
Every Child
We put students at the heart of everything we do.
Collective Greatness
We, as a community, leverage our individual strengths to reach challenging goals.
Collaborative Spirit
We believe in each other and find joy in our work.
Limitless Curiosity
We never stop learning and growing.
Moral Compass
We are guided by strong character, ethics and integrity.
Core Characteristics of a T-2-4 Ready Graduate
Academically Prepared: Every Child finds joy in learning, has a learner's mindset and is motivated and equipped with the knowledge, skills and competencies to succeed in life.
Ethical & Service-Minded: Every Child acts with integrity, is personally responsible for their actions and is a civically-engaged community member.
Empathetic & Self-Aware: Every Child appreciates differences, forms secure relationships and cares for their own and others’ emotional, mental and physical health.
Persistent & Adaptable: Every Child is fueled by their own passions, interests and goals and perseveres with confidence and courage.
Resourceful Problem-Solver: Every Child thinks critically and creatively and applies knowledge to find and solve problems.
Communicator & Collaborator: Every Child skillfully conveys thoughts, ideas, knowledge and information and is a receptive and responsive listener.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Data Documentation
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation
The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis:
- District goals
- Campus goals
- HB3 Reading and math goals for PreK-3
- HB3 CCMR goals
- Performance Objectives with summative review (prior year)
- Campus/District improvement plans (current and prior years)
- Planning and decision making committee(s) meeting data
- State and federal planning requirements
- Covid-19 Factors and/or waivers
Accountability Data
- Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data
- Student Achievement Domain
- Domain 1 - Student Achievement
- Student Progress Domain
- Domain 2 - Student Progress
- Closing the Gaps Domain
- Domain 3 - Closing the Gaps
- Effective Schools Framework data
- Comprehensive, Targeted, and/or Additional Targeted Support Identification data
- Accountability Distinction Designations
- Local Accountability Systems (LAS) data
Student Data: Assessments
- State and federally required assessment information
- State and federally required assessment information (e.g. curriculum, eligibility, format, standards, accommodations, TEA information)
- (STAAR) current and longitudinal results, including all versions
- State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) current and longitudinal results, including all versions
- STAAR released test questions
- STAAR EL progress measure data
- Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) and TELPAS Alternate results
- Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI), Tejas LEE, or other alternate early reading assessment results
- Student failure and/or retention rates
- Local diagnostic reading assessment data
- Local benchmark or common assessments data
- Running Records results
- Observation Survey results
- Texas approved PreK - 2nd grade assessment data
- Texas approved Prekindergarten and Kindergarten assessment data
- Other PreK - 2nd grade assessment data
Student Data: Student Groups
- Race and ethnicity data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and progress
- Race and ethnicity data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and rates of progress between groups
- Special programs data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and progress
- Special programs data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and rates of progress for each student group
- Race and ethnicity data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and rates of progress for each student group
- Economically Disadvantaged / Non-economically disadvantaged performance, progress, and participation data
- Male / Female performance, progress, and participation data
- Special education/non-special education population including discipline, progress and participation data
- Migrant/non-migrant population including performance, progress, discipline, attendance and mobility data
- At-risk/non-at-risk population including performance, progress, discipline, attendance, and mobility data
- EL/non-EL or LEP data, including academic achievement, progress, support and accommodation needs, race, ethnicity, gender, etc.
- Section 504 data
- Homeless data
- Gifted and talented data
- Dyslexia Data
- Response to Intervention (RtI) student achievement data
Student Data: Behavior and Other Indicators
- Attendance data
- Discipline records
- Student surveys and/or other feedback
- Class size averages by grade and subject
- School safety data
Employee Data
- Professional learning communities (PLC) data
- Staff surveys and/or other feedback
- Teacher/Student Ratio
- State certified and high quality staff data
- Campus leadership data
- Campus department and/or faculty meeting discussions and data
- Professional development needs assessment data
- Evaluation(s) of professional development implementation and impact
- TTESS data
- T-PESS data
Parent/Community Data
- Parent surveys and/or other feedback
Support Systems and Other Data
- Processes and procedures for teaching and learning, including program implementation
- Communications data
- Capacity and resources data
- Budgets/entitlements and expenditures data
- Study of best practices
- Action research results
Goal 1: Student Achievement
Student Achievement
- Performance Objective 1 - ACHIEVEMENT
- Performance Objective 2 - EARLY LITERACY
- Performance Objective 3 - GAP-CLOSING
- Performance Objective 4 - STUDENT GROWTH
Performance Objective 1 - ACHIEVEMENT
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Hunters Creek Elementary School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 1: ACHIEVEMENT: By June 2022, Hunters Creek Elementary School will increase student performance on STAAR Grades 3-5 exams in reading and math by at least [3] points at each performance level (approaches, meets, masters).
2021-22: Reading: 93% (approaches), 71% (meets), 49% (masters); Math: 95% (approaches), 76% (meets), 51% (masters)
2020-21: Reading: 90% (approaches), 68% (meets), 46% (masters); Math: 92% (approaches), 73% (meets), 49% (masters)
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: Reading: [90]% (approaches), [69]% (meets), [40]% (masters); Math: [91]% (approaches), [71]% (meets), [38]% (masters)
2017-18: Reading: [90]% (approaches), [66]% (meets), [43]% (masters); Math: [92]% (approaches), [69]% (meets), [38]% (masters)
Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR 3-8 Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: We will continue to refine the time we spend in collaborative planning meetings to target learning for each student that is:
Staff Responsible for Monitoring: K - 5 Teachers, Intervention Teachers, LISs and MIS Administrative Team |
Strategy 2: Professional learning opportunities that are personalized for teachers to, at least, include:
-- 3rd, 4th and 5th reading and math STAAR scores will increase by at least [3] points at each performance level -- Walk-through checklist show implementation by all teachers Staff Responsible for Monitoring: K - 5 Teachers, Intervention Teachers, LISs and MIS, Administrative Team |
Strategy 3: As part of the PLC and Response to Intervention structure and using a protocol (to be established) we will have Kid Talks once a month to ensure that every child is on target for meeting his or her goals. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students in the RtI process will show progress in all assessed areas or will either move to a higher Tier of support in the RtI process or referred for evaluation to determine why student is not responding to intense intervention. We are better able to meet academic, social/emotional and health needs of all students. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: K - 5 Teachers, Intervention Teachers, LISs and MIS, Administrative Team |
Strategy 4: All math and reading teachers are expected to plan small group instruction daily with an emphasis on teaching that extends the learning and teaching that fills in gaps in the learning - not just to support the whole group learning. Strategy 5: As required by HB 4545 for our current 4th and 5th graders who did not pass Reading, Math or both STAAR test in 2021, develop and implement Accelerated Learning Plans. Plan for either 30 or 60 hours of supplemental intervention on targeted TEKS. |
Performance Objective 2 - EARLY LITERACY
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Hunters Creek Elementary School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 2: By June 2022, Hunters Creek Elementary School will increase the combined % of students reading On Grade Level or Above Grade Level on the End-of-Year Running Records assessment in each primary grade, K, 1, and 2, by
Kinder 5 percentage points or ≥ to 85%. (based on 20-21 Kinder scores)
First 5 percentage points or ≥ to 85%. (based on 20-21 Kinder scores)
Second 5 percentage points or ≥ to 85%. (based on 20-21 First Grade scores)
2020-21: Kindergarten 712% On Grade Level or Above Grade Level; 1st Grade: 80% On Grade Level or Above Grade Level; 2nd Grade: 66% On Grade Level or Above Grade Level
Evaluation Data Sources: Running Records End-of-Year Report
Summative Evaluation: None
Performance Objective 3 - GAP-CLOSING
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Hunters Creek Elementary School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 3: GAP-CLOSING: By June 2022, Hunters Creek Elementary School will increase overall performance on STAAR Grades 3-5 exams to narrow the gap or improve performance above the target by at least 5 percentage points for English Learners.
2020-21: English Learners 45%; non-English Learners 70%
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
Evaluation Data Sources: State Accountability Report Domain 1
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Ensure that ELL strategies are implemented with consistency school wide through staff development and training. Use of an HCE ELL Strategies checklist, developed in the first few weeks of school by the ILT, for quick walk throughs and/or reflections. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: ELL students will have access to comprehensible curriculum in all subject areas. STAAR will reflect the stated progress towards closing the gap. TELPAS - students will make progress from one year to the next. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers Intervention Specialists Administrative Team |
Strategy 2: Conduct two types of vertical meetings throughout the year: -at least 1 time a semester meet with grade level above and the grade level below -at least 1 time a semester meet by subject vertically (Math & LA) Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: All performance will improve for STAAR, TELPAS, Panorama and MAP. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers Intervention Specialists Administrative Team |
Performance Objective 4 - STUDENT GROWTH
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Hunters Creek Elementary School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 4: STUDENT GROWTH: By June 2022, Hunters Creek Elementary School will increase the % of students who meet or exceed conditional growth index (CGI) targets on Measures of Academic Progress: Reading (K-5) increase by 7 points, Math (K-5) increase by 5 points.
2020-21: Reading - 53% met CGI; Math - 70% met CGI
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: Reading - 66% met CGI; Math - 73 % met CGI
2017-18: Reading - 54% met CGI; Math - 65 % met CGI
Evaluation Data Sources: Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Continue to strengthen and personalize our literacy and math planning and instruction by applying the learning from our work with Teachers College, Seidlitz and/or Solution Tree. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will meet their growth measure targets and/or will show at least one year's growth on MAP Walk-through checklist show implementation by all teachers Staff Responsible for Monitoring: K - 5 Teachers, Intervention Teachers, Administrative Team |
Strategy 2: We will continue to refine the time we spend in collaborative planning meetings to target learning for each student that is: 1) specific to each child (personalized); 2) based on pre-testing, formative and summative assessment; 3) TEKS based and at the appropriate level of rigor; and, 4) based on the principles from The New Art and Science of Teaching. 5) With first meetings beginning the week of September 7th, adjust the master schedule to include time for collaborative planning weekly - consider 57 minute blocks once/week instead of 55 minute blocks/every other week Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will meet their growth measure targets and/or will show at least one year's growth on MAP Notes from PLC meetings and Kid Talks. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: K - 5 Teachers, Intervention Teachers, Administrative Team |
Strategy 3: All teams (K - 5, specials and special ed) get 1 planning day each semester for refining roadmaps, creating assessments, writing lesson plans, gathering materials, etc. (PTA Funded $7,800.00) Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will meet their growth measure targets and/or will show at least one year's growth on MAP, STAAR, DRA, and TELPAS. Record of dates and agendas for evidence of work. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: K - 5 Teachers, Administrative Team |
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every Hunters Creek Elementary School student will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 5: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQUISITION PROGRESS: By June 2022, the rate of each English Learner will increase at least one Composite Score level so that 90% of our EL make at least one year's progress on the composite score.
2020-21: TELPAS Progress Rate 80%
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
Evaluation Data Sources: State Accountability Domain 3
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Each teacher will set goals with our EL learners for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th nine weeks using the Language Proficiency Descriptors to ensure each student is growing each nine weeks. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Each EL student will meet their goal each nine weeks Staff Responsible for Monitoring: K - 5 Teachers, Intervention Teachers, Administrative Team |
Strategy 2: Teachers will understand the need to increase opportunities for all students to speak with peers and the teacher in order to increase language proficiency in the speaking domain on TELPAS (SWRL professional development session with Aylin Martinez and Fernando ??) Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will make at least one year's growth in the speaking domain on TELPAS. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: K - 5 Teachers, Intervention Teachers, Administrative Team |
Goal 2: Student Support
Student Support
Performance Objective 1 - SCHOOL CONNECTEDNESS
Goal 2: STUDENT SUPPORT. Every Hunters Creek Elementary School student will benefit from an aligned system that supports his/her academic and social-emotional needs.
Performance Objective 1: SCHOOL CONNECTEDNESS: By June 2022, the % of Hunters Creek Elementary School students who feel connected as both individuals and learners will increase by at least 5% points.
2020-21: Teacher-Student Relationships - 83%; School Belonging - 74%
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: Teacher-Student Relationships - 80%; School Belonging - 69%
2017-18: Teacher-Student Relationships - 73%; School Belonging - 68%
Evaluation Data Sources: Panorama Student Survey
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Teachers will use the HCE Morning Meeting Team's plans to conduct daily Morning Meetings for the following purposes:
Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Academic performance goals met. Decrease in discipline referrals. Panorama goals met Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers, Counselor, Morning Meeting Team |
Strategy 2: Adults will learn how to foster kindness and compassion for our students and adults, focus on building positive relationships and helping students establish and recognize positive racial identities. Build and add to this resource page for planning lessons, morning meeting topics, etc. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Building stronger relationships across the faculty and among the students. Students and adults will learn to treat each other with kindness and compassion. All will feel a sense of belonging. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrative Team, Team Leaders, Morning Meeting Committee |
Strategy 3: Continue to personalize the opportunities for students to have more choices in their day: --choice of independent reading material in language arts classes --open library schedule, come when you need to --give students choices earned by exhibiting excellent behavior, work habits, effort and kindness such as sitting with a friend at lunch, being a helper in the library or in kindergarten, and more. We will include Growth Mindset lessons, field trips and presentation/performances throughout the year Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students feel more connected and valued. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Faculty |
Strategy 4: C-SHAC - engages the staff and community through: No Place for Hate, Red Ribbon Week, Random Acts of Kindness, Gen TX and other activities. Will also continue to facilitate a Student Health Advisory Committee S-SHAC. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will feel more connected and valued and we will meet our goal. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: C-SHAC committee members |
Performance Objective 2 - GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING
Goal 2: STUDENT SUPPORT. Every Hunters Creek Elementary School student will benefit from an aligned system that supports his/her academic and social-emotional needs.
Performance Objective 2: GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING: Each grade level will implement and support character education and social-emotional learning curriculum.
Evaluation Data Sources: Panorama Data, Discipline Referrals, Training materials, and attendance rosters
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Continue to use Responsive Classroom resources to implement powerful Morning Meetings focused on identified attributes, character traits , feelings and building relationships. Incorporate Character Strong lessons and resources into Morning Meetings, counselor lessons and faculty meetings. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Decrease in discipline referrals. Panorama goals met. Academic performance goals met Staff Responsible for Monitoring: All staff |
Goal 3: Safe Schools
Safe Schools
- Performance Objective 1 - SAFETY COMMITTEE
- Performance Objective 2 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS
- Performance Objective 3 - SAFE SCHOOLS
Performance Objective 1 - SAFETY COMMITTEE
Goal 3: SAFE SCHOOLS. Strengthen school safety by establishing and conducting Campus Safety Committee reviews throughout the school year.
Performance Objective 1: SAFETY COMMITTEE: Strengthen school safety by establishing and conducting Campus Safety Committee reviews throughout the school year.
Evaluation Data Sources: Campus Safety Committee roster
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: CAMPUS SAFETY COMMITTEE: Establish Campus Safety Committees composed of a cross section of stakeholders to look at matters related to campus safety. Campus Safety Committee will consider the safety at the Transition Campus as well as working on the safety plan for the new building. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Each Campus principal will recruit a safety team and provide a roster. Each campus team will meet three times per year so that all campuses will be able to refine safety practices. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators |
Strategy 2: HARRIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: Participate in the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) campus safety audit. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus will develop action plans to address any deficiencies as a result of safety audits. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Safety Committee |
Performance Objective 2 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS
Goal 3: SAFE SCHOOLS. Strengthen school safety by establishing and conducting Campus Safety Committee reviews throughout the school year.
Performance Objective 2: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS: Develop Campus Emergency Operations Procedures (EOP) that comply with SB 11, and include Standard Operating Procedures.
Evaluation Data Sources: Campus Emergency Operation Procedures Documents
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PROCEDURES: Campus EOP will align to the best practices from the Texas School Safety Center and the Standard Operating Procedures, such as the "I Love You Guys" Foundation. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus EOP is turned in and filed by September 1st. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators |
Strategy 2: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PROCEDURES: Update campus EOP annually, train staff at the start of each school year and practice procedures and drills throughout the year. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus procedures maintained in campus EOPs. Staff training documents maintained. EOP submitted by September 1st. Drill reports complete and turned in on time. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Safety Committee |
Performance Objective 3 - SAFE SCHOOLS
Goal 3: SAFE SCHOOLS. Strengthen school safety by establishing and conducting Campus Safety Committee reviews throughout the school year.
Performance Objective 3: LearnSBISD Health and Safety Plan: work with the admin team and team leaders to ensure that all parts of the Learn SBISD safety plan are in place so that staff and students do not feel like they are at high risk of Covid 19.
Evaluation Data Sources: Survey Notes from meeting
Summative Evaluation: None
Goal 4: Fiscal Responsibility
Fiscal Responsibility
Performance Objective 1 - FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT
Goal 4: FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. Hunters Creek Elementary Schoolwill ensure efficient and effective fiscal management of resources and operations to maximize learning for all students.
Performance Objective 1: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Maintain high quality financial management practices so that financial resources provide the maximum possible support for T-2-4.
Evaluation Data Sources: Year-To-Date (YTD) Budget Reports (monthly, quarterly, annually)
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Conduct frequent budget meetings with Administrative Assistant to review and manage money as well as meeting with the PTA Executive Board to plan for, review and monitor PTA funds. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Error free records. Documentation of purchases and orders. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Administrative Assistant Title I Schoolwide Elements: 3.1 |